Gun Disassembly 3D iPhone App


Looks pretty good!

It would be probably good to have the program pop up some optional warnings about how at certain parts of the disassembly process (in most of the guns) you need to be careful that a loaded spring doesn’t fly out and hit you in the eye.

I noticed during the Glock disassembly the guide rod spring can be removed.  While there are non-captive guide rod/spring combos you can buy aftermarket… the factory Glock guide rod has a captive spring. There are probably some other minor errors, but chances are it’s mostly kids that are going to be buying the app to show their friends… so I guess it doesn’t really matter THAT much.

It can be bought on iTunes (HERE).  Be careful though on how much you want to spend because although the app is listed at 99 cents according to one reviewer that only includes 2 of the guns. Each additional gun is another 99 cents each.

Hat tip: Kevin W