10 Year Old Shoots Sister With Double Barrel 1911 Then Commits Suicide

This story is incredibly tragic, but the picture… well take a look:

Source – CafeMom

I guess that’s one way to focus attention on the gun, and not the root of the problem (crazy people).

I’m actually kind of surprised the Double 1911, Double Deagle, and Double Glock haven’t just been the go-to choice of article graphics by journalists just to piss us off.


Hat tip: Sean


5 responses to “10 Year Old Shoots Sister With Double Barrel 1911 Then Commits Suicide”

  1. It would be a good gun to shoot your self with….

  2. I’m really surprised that such an article from a news source called “Cafe mom” wasn’t all over the parents and evil guns. The author went on to say that “they (as gun owners) did everything right.”

    From there it gets speculatory and a little ignorant about safeties, but whatever. Thanks to cafe mom for not jumping on the irrational wagon.

    My prayers are with the family.

  3. Damn. Really well written article. And fucking sad as hell for the family.

  4. Least the girl lived. I guess lil timmy had his Call of Duty moment and then realized life was too real.

  5. Tragedy aside, what the fuck is the point of a doublebarreled 1911? Does it really increase operator effectiveness?