Canadian Sniper

Every Canadian stereotype known to man:

American-Sniper-Movie-Bradley-CooperMeh, not bad I suppose.  Definitely a sprinkling of butthurt in the comments.  Apparently Chris Kyle related jokes even in good fun are not well received by some people.  Not sure how this could be considered “offensive” to Chris Kyle’s legacy… if anything Canadians who don’t sound like idiots should be offended at the perpetuation that everyone sounds like they are from John Candy’s movie Canadian Bacon (who by the way the shithead Michael Moore directed haha). People who get offended by things that have no impact on their life, and that they have no actual connection to are hilarious. Also, I’m pretty sure Chris Kyle had a sense of humor considering he was bros with Zach Galifianakis, and co-starred with him in Hangover.. one of the funniest movies of all time. That was a joke, if some of you actually think I’m serious.

On a related note, it was really cool that Warner Bros. flew Chris Kyle’s widow out to the Academy awards. She looked like a movie star, and even brought his dog tags along! Heartbreaking she had to rush back to Texas to attend the trial of her husbands murderer. :(


4 responses to “Canadian Sniper”

  1. Sheepdog6 Avatar

    The ratio of out loud guffaws to Tim Horton references was high.

  2. The hockey jerseys in bed cracked me up.

  3. Grindstone Avatar

    Jesus fucking christ people will find anything to be upset about. That video was pure gold.

  4. Good satire, yeah he’d be laughing.
    Real tragedy = prosecution didn’t go for the death penalty for that fucktard shithook. I’d drive down to Stephenville and offer to do it myself but I’m sure there’s already a line…