The Old Make A Bullshit List Then Profit Move – Pro-Gun Edition

Newsmax with the “100 Most Influential Pro Gun Rights Advocates“… and everyone fell like putty into their hands.

I’ve spoke about “lists” before, and what a classic clickbait and SEO grab they are.  This one also has the 3rd benefit of outraging people who don’t agree with some people being on the list / are outraged others didn’t make the list.  Because of that it spreads like wildfire through social media and what not… because who doesn’t love a good butthurt outrage?

Always-Sunny-Philadelphia-Gun-Fever-2Once you click through (yes I know… falling into their clickbait trap) and read the list you’ll see that it unsurprisingly amounts to what should have been called “We complied an arbitrary list of 100 people who we think have done something pro-gun related or said something pro-gun at one point in time” *smh*.  Sure some people obviously even belong on a top 5 list, but there are others who don’t even belong on a top 1000 list of this type.
