Anon Cooperative Hijacker Bus Simulation To Impress People

I don’t get this:

At 2:51 we can see there’s a crowd of several hundred people, if not over 1000.  This little demo is supposed to impress them?  Let me just go through the steps:

  1. Roll empty bus onto grass (I’m already disappointed it wasn’t a short bus)
  2. Walk out (future) hostages
  3. 0:21 – Oh look… Anon at the front of the bus is crazy and he says he’s going to kill everyone.  The driver is crazy too.
  4. 0:47 – Ohhhhhh shit the TIER -29 operators are rolling up in the back of a pickup truck.
  5. 0:58 – Casually they are now next to the bus and crazy anon doesn’t seem to care
  6. 1:15 – Anon hears flashbang and instead of killing everyone he runs to the back of the bus, doesn’t do shit, then proceeds to get “shot”.
  7. 1:33 – Looks like several more operators are needed.
  8. 1:40 – Anon is “putting up a fight” by slapping his hands a bit, he’s zip tied and then is dragged off the bus and thrown into the back of the pickup.
  9. 2:40 – Gotta roll in front of the crowd for effect, while putting his rifle to the back of Anon’s head (oh and the back of his hand too).
  10. 2:46 – Bus evacuated by operators, everyone lived.  Whole crowd goes wild.  WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE.

Ok so someone explain why?  This just seems like some useless display just to trick the crowd into thinking “WHOA I JUST WITNESSED SOMETHING SO OPERATOR”.  Like Anon and his driver buddy wouldn’t have nuked everyone on that bus when they saw the operators roll up with guns.

Short-School-BusI haven’t picked on Asymmetric Solutions in a while.  Vigilant Spectre and those guys are bros now.  This broship seemingly was cultivated after they FLIPPED OUT when I made this initial post, which got 267 comments (some of which were praising the place, but were actually comments made by Asymmetric Solutions themselves under an alias haha it was such a clusterfuck)… They invited me to tour their facilities to prove they were in fact the TIER -29 operators they claim to be.  I obviously declined because I don’t give a shit, but VSO stepped up to the plate and was like “Hell yeah I’ll go and document it”.  He’s actually posted a lot of videos there which were not derpy at all, hence why I haven’t posted them (boring, but looks like they are having fun at least).

Thoughts?  Is everyone else impressed but me?  Is this actually how a bus hostage situation would be handled in real life?