Cardboard Barrett M82A1 Is Ridiculously Cool

Arts and crafts in Japan:

Wow right?  I really hope this is a class at a Japanese university, where students are being taught to make these.

1:17 – Comparing real .50 BMG brass to his cardboard version.

9:35 – Demonstration then crowd reaction.  LOL reminds me of the Supa Hot Fire dope lines reaction.  AHHAHA.

Domo Arigato Monicas.  Your contribution to the culture is much appreciated.

Cardboard-Barrett-M82A1P.S. – If you turn on subtitles, then do an auto translation to English some of them are hilarious.  I’ll warn you that absolutely none of them make sense in this case.  LOL 4:07 – “It is preoccupied face down acceleration”.

Gat tip: Kei