Tag: AFT

  • Stars Earn Stripes

    Marketed as a tribute to American bravery: Wouldn’t you know, some Nobel Peace Prize laureates condemn the show for “glorifying war”, and want it removed from NBC’s lineup.  *eye roll* NBC’s response: “This show is not a glorification of war, but a glorification of service” Ranger from Action Figure therapy goes in: ^^^ hahahahah oh man that’s good.…

  • Action Figure Therapy Dating Tips

    The Marine has some advice for those of us dating: Yell at them from cars. Shirts with dragons. Don’t wear a shirt. Talk about video games. Talk about how fat other chicks are. Assert your masculinity. etc…. you gotta watch it.  Female infantry soldier has a hilarious rebuttal: ROFL… man I love these guys.  Those…