Tag: ball

  • Justin Timberlake Is A Class Act – Marine Corps Birthday Ball

    Justin Timberlake accepted Corporal Kelsey DeSantis’ youtube invitation to the USMC 236th birthday ball and had a blast. I’ve always been very vocal about my support of our Armed Forces. I’ve always felt like they offered us the opportunity to live our lives freely without the fear that so many other nations have to endure still…

  • Nitron N32 Inert Gas Cannon

    [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xozb9Hui60M[/youtube] Specs available on the Nitron website – HERE It does some pretty sweet damage to that truck. The gun is in serious needs of a green laser and come picatinny rails though :P I’m not an expert on ball bearings, but are the 1.25″ ones it takes readily available?  Also how much are they? I…

  • Home Defender – Less Than Lethal?

    I don’t know about you guys, but if someone breaks into my house when I’m home I want them DEAD, not tickled by a cute soft ball with tentacles on it. From the packaging: “This may be the most intelligent way to defend your family against home intruders.” Intelligent how?  It’s smart to let some…

  • Police pull guns out over snowball fight

    December 19th, WASHINGTON D.C. – Things started to turn for the worse when the crowd — some carrying anti-war signs and dressed all in black with masks — began to pelt passing cars. A plain clothes D.C. police detective emerged from a Hummer — it’s unclear whether it was his personal vehicle or an unmarked…