Tag: BLM

  • Cliven Bundy Soapbox Rant On Race

    Cliven gathers everyone around and gives his observations regarding Mexicans and black people *smh*: This is Bundy Ranch owner Cliven Bundy in case anyone was confused.  How great for the cause, when not only do you have armed “militia members” but now also what the media is calling a “racist” at the helm. Oh man… seriously have…

  • James Yeager Is Giving You A Pass On This One

    Why aren’t you out with him at the Bundy Ranch?  Why am I not there? I’ll tell you why, because A) some people don’t like adverse conditions, and B) People have obligations… like oh I don’t know FAMILY AND WORK etc..?  I already had this time penciled in a while back for eating cheetos in…

  • The BLM Cattle Incident In Bunkerville Nevada

    TheRealTrippleB explains: FOX’s Dana Loesch on the incident: Dana Loesch speaks the truth with this: If these cattle were people and they were here illegally.. the department of justice would be running guns to them and the department of homeland security would be driving by with free government phones and EBT carts, but now that they’re…