Tag: FFL

  • No Background Check – These Weapons Can Shoot Down Aircraft

    The amount of firearms villainizing and false information in this video makes my head spin: Full story at MSNBC – HERE Police grade pistol!  Hollow point bullets!  Semi-automatic assault rifle! “No paperwork, no background checks… probably couldn’t pass the damn thing anyway” <— *facepalm* OMG the one guy’s 7 year old son came along for the…

  • Gun Gripes – The ATF Form 4473

    The gun store guys complain some more about their customers in the context of the 4473: Huh?  They say you’re not supposed to allow people to see the 4473.  I don’t know where they got that information from, but the form is available as a PDF directly on the ATF’s own website.  In addition there…

  • If the first amendment was treated like the second

    If the first amendment was treated like the second amendment… Any speech using 10 or more foreign words would be a felony. (Firearm law 922(r) restricting 10 or more foreign gun parts from the 1989 import ban) Anyone convicted of a felony or convicted of misdemeanor domestic abuse or assault is not allowed freedom of…