Tag: haters

  • Yeager On Haters Hating

    0:32 – “If you hate on people it gives them power. That’s why I have so much.” – LOL soooooooo much power. The only thing I love more than I’m gonna start killing people and come at me bro duel Yeager is delusions of grandeur Yeager. 1:10 – That hate’s gonna burn you up kid.…

  • You’re Welcome Buck Yeager – Haters Gonna Hate

    4213 students last year?  I expected more considering how famous he always tells us he is: Buck Yeager says that “haters” made him almost a half mil last year.  Good for him. I love so much when some people talk about how many “haters” they have.  Most of the time these people are usually useless…

  • Haters, Fame, And Buck Yeager

    100k subscriber thank-you video has him extra giddy today: Nice video to show appreciation.  500 videos with 100k subs sounds impressive to me!  His little rant about how he can’t think of anyone with less videos in the gun community, who has 100k subs…. UHHHHHHH ever heard of my buddy MrColionNoir?  He’s kind of a…

  • Haters Gonna Hate If You Carry A Gun

    MrColionNoir has a few words: “Understand what you’re dealing with when arguing with someone about guns.”  <— Very true. It’s really frustrating arguing with people who use emotion rather than facts. I agree that you don’t owe anyone an explanation. Thoughts? You can pick up an AK-47 selector switch t-shirt like MrColionNoir is wearing over at ENDO…