Tag: marshmallow

  • Tactically Operational Marshmallow Roast

    Jordan’s been known to throw some flames: LOLOL amazing.  Holy that “AR-15 pistol” *wink wink nudge nudge* spits hot fyaaahhh.  I could have pulled so many good screen shots for the post thumbnail, in some the flame was so big though it obscured marshmallow guy and the marshmallows themselves. Most of the crew in ENDO Apparel!…

  • Glock Brand Glock Stay Puft Marshmallow Trollture

    Marshmallows. Delicious but deadly.  Mattv2099 is a sucker for punishment: MATT AIN’T AFRAID OF NO KABOOM!  LOL what an absolute disaster.  I can’t even imagine how annoying that must have been to clean.  I probably would have just filled up a container with solvent and threw everything in it for a while first.  If that…