Tag: moms demand action

  • Moms Demand Action Is Sneaky

    This video is VERY nicely done, but contains loads of bullshit: I love how they are so tricky… one minute they are “against gun violence” (Yea… who isn’t?  I don’t know anyone pro gun who is like I LOVE GUN VIOLENCE, innocent people dying is awesome.  Like what the hell? *smh*), and now all of…

  • Keep Shopping At Kroger Until They Ban Guns

    Says Moms demand common sense: Oh wait, that was Moms Demand Action, and they want Kroger to ban guns (still).  Guess what?  Kroger still doesn’t give a shit what Shannon Watts A.K.A. “5000 Bitch-a-Watts” wants.  If the law in the states Kroger is in says carry is legal, then Kroger has been allowing it.  What…

  • Kroger Allows Guns So Naturally Moms Demand Action Takes Issue

    Everybody freak out because a supermarket chain abides by a law which some people don’t like: Here is their plea: “Please keep your employees, customers, and their families safe from the threat of gun violence by prohibiting people from openly carrying weapons in your stores.” Good call moms, so many lives lost to gun violence…

  • Mom’s Derp Out Over Facebook Gun Sales

    Mom’s Demand Action (Mom’s Who Want To Ban Everything) is now in a crusade against getting gun sales off Facebook: So let me get this straight… law abiding citizens are LEGALLY advertising their guns for sale on a public forum and you have a problem with that?  *smh*  just move to the UK already moms.…

  • Flexin Over Nothing – Gun Violence Prevention

    When your successes are minimal to non-existent.. brag about it anyway: I feel like that guy is trying to sell me a used Dodge Charger, and she’s actually a robot from the gun control future. 1:00 – 82% of gun owners support “common sense gun laws”?  Didn’t that number turn out to be a sham…

  • Moms Demand Keeping M4′s Out Of Kids Hands

    From Mom’s Demand Action… The same group that demonized the AR-15 in slow motion: So as you can see the kids got their hands on an M4 not and AR-15 somehow (identifiable by the additional hole in the lower receiver above the fire selector switch).  In addition two out of three of them have terrible trigger discipline, which…