Tag: Rosie Jones

  • Reloading Ammunition With Rosie Jones

    I see what you’re trying to do Hornady.  Here’s a playlist of all 5 episodes that are out right now: I’ll let it slide, but it’s sneaky nonetheless.  Dudes are going to be like “WeRe TheRe No AmEriCaN gIrLs To Do ThiS JOb?”… sure she’s likable, but I asked myself the same question.  Yoooo the…

  • 2013 Hot Shots Calendar – Preview

    You’ll likely hate your job after watching this: But photography is such hard work you say!  Those re-shoots with models must be so frustrating and annoying.  I remember hearing about this one guy complain the ice wasn’t cold enough and the cheese plate wasn’t stinky enough. I’d be pretty pissed off too, let me tell…