Vintage Turtle Wax Glock Trollture Test

Mattv2099 wax on wax off:

Mattv2099-ENDO-Trollture-Trollinghaha never used it since the 80s, and sure enough they would know it’s missing.  Yeah sounds familiar, parents gonna be parents.

It boggles my mind how Glock (the company) hasn’t put Matt on the payroll yet for testing and evaluation.  It’s been painfully clear Glock could use some help in the Marketing department.

So the G17 will operate in a Turtle Wax operation… good to know.


2 responses to “Vintage Turtle Wax Glock Trollture Test”

  1. Taofledermaus Avatar

    It definitely is impressive that the Glocks can function full of various goops. It’s kind of like those old Timex ads. Strapping watches to the props of outboard boat motors and stuff.

  2. Johno Bigstick Avatar
    Johno Bigstick

    save that brass…it’s already polished!