You Have The Right To Have Your Rights Infringed

Billy rolled out of bed, put on a black T and hit record:

Rage-MonocleAW HELLLLLL NAW, ain’t that some bullshit.

How come he’s the only NRA commentator without his own show?  I smell a conspiracy that goes up to the highest levels of government.



8 responses to “You Have The Right To Have Your Rights Infringed”

  1. lolinski Avatar

    They be always stompin on us homies with glasses.

    That shit ain’t cool…Fo shizzle.

    1. ENDO-Mike Avatar


  2. Joethefatman™ Avatar

    He was on point and right.

  3. tincankilla Avatar

    wow – he’s way too correct to get an NRA show. they’d see him as a risk of going off topic.

  4. They may take our lives but they will never take ou r…

    Uh, Bacon?

  5. IllTemperedCur Avatar

    Take our Baconz????? Cold, dead hands baby.

  6. Blehtastic Avatar

    He already had a day job? Noir is a lawyer in a saturated lawyer market and Raso is recently retired or discharged from the Navy. Johnson collects a paycheck for watching people sew cordura all day. Seems like a cush gig.

  7. dgdimick Avatar

    Sadly he’s spot on.