SHTF Preperation Tips

Demolition-Ranch-ENDO-Selector-Switch1:46 – His sister makes a surprise appearance.

LOL that part with the little girl.

Funny stuff.  Demolition Ranch is awesome.


6 responses to “SHTF Preperation Tips”

  1. Big Jimmy Avatar

    haha, he’s a never nude

    1. Mechanically Avatar

      There are dozens of us! DOZENS!!

    2. ENDO-Mike Avatar


  2. Grindstone Avatar

    >1:46 – His sister makes a surprise appearance.

    “Hey babe”


  3. @Grindstone

    I was going to say the same thing…my sister has never, ever, never called me “babe”….really?

  4. silent pisser Avatar
    silent pisser

    fucking excellence