Rapper Stitches Still Pushing Rap And Race Envelopes

*smh* this guy:

Christian-Bale-Pointing-MemeWhen I saw the title of this song, I knew it was going to be lyrically complex.  It didn’t disappoint hahah.

Even though Stitches has the bad lyrics, an abrasive voice, and questionable flow… his songs are somewhat catchy.  His face and hair is like a trainwreck which you can’t look away from too.

Trigger discipline 100.  #ReadENDOonce  I still laugh about how how hard he trolled with the Sig Sauer SB-15. #NeverShoulderNeverForget

Thoughts? You going to wild out and bump this in the Camry with your white friends, then sheepishly turn it down when you think it might offend someone?