The Simple Beauty Of Instructor Zero’s CCW Actions

The music and slow motion though:

IZ does it for the people.  What a character.  Training TIER -23 guys galaxy-wide, and still dropping ill YouTube videos at regular intervals just to stunt.

Instructor-Zero0:26 – Probably the best concealed carry move I’ve seen in ages.  Dropping it like Costa at an Asian fanboy convention.

1:29 – Taking a knee to engage a target is so crucial, mainly because it looks cool and you can more easily have line of sight for dick shots. Run-strafing after that is also very very recommended, which naturally he also does.

The malfunction training is also v rare.  I feel like Mad World by Gary Jules would have also worked for this video.  It’s a thoughtful song, which meshes with with CCW skill flexing in slow motion.

Needs more forward rolls like he used to do.  Thoughts?