Shooting At Kevlar That Doesn’t Look To Me Like Ballistic Rated Kevlar

Demolition-Ranch-ENDO-Builders-ClubI don’t know what type of “Kevlar” he has, but it looks nothing like any of the Kevlar I’ve seen in vests.  Why are his sheets fuzzy and thick?  The sheets I’ve seen were tightly woven, and only a bit thicker than a piece of printer paper… those were stacked on top of each other to make up the vest, and provide protection.  Maybe what Matt has is just Kevlar thread, and not woven to provide ballistic protection?  Maybe just cut and stab protection?

3:08 – Oh lawd… a ceramic dinner plate.  Sadly, I’m sure some backwoods operators have actually done this and were completely serious about it’s effectiveness.  Glad to see he Deagles it.  That two tone FDE / Black looks damn nice.
