CornerShot – Review Of One Of The Most Unique Firearm Derpccessories

Kirsten puts a Glock in it and gets to work:

cornershot-kittyI’d be rocking the dead cat version (pictured left) if this where to ever fall into my hands… no exceptions.

Israel sure has unique solutions for everything tactical, including the way they train / fight.  Do the Israelis carry this thing around unloaded before they need to use it?  I want to see it with horse stance.  Remember when Kosher Costa did that?  AHHAHA yea, amazing. Are there multiple hits out on me in Israel yet? I’ve made so much fun of their stuff it’s getting out of hand.

It really doesn’t surprise me that this is “in use in the field”, but I hope at least the guys who use it ROFL at it’s ridiculousness every time they decide to go to the tactical van to pull it out.

4:04 – Kirsten “sees the potential for home defense”.  LOL WHUT? Daaaaaaamn girl.. well ok if you say so.

6:50 – “The biggest con is the safety system” – Really?  REALLY?  It’s not the fact that contraption is like 2ft long, bulky, and has electronics and trigger pulling mechanisms etc.. which could potentially malfunction?

Future Weapons did a bit on this rig, make sure to check it out also.

I’m asking for a friend… but will this work underwater, and in deep space?

Is this review paid for, or completely independent?

Thoughts?  Yea it definitely seems functional, but would you be caught dead with this thing?