Best Sword For Home Defense

Yep, blade guys are confirmed weird:

Best-Sword-For-Home-DefenseIf you missed the home defense katana derp from yesterday make sure to check it out also.

2:58 – ROFL a shield!  Oh man if I could be a fly on the wall where someone got home invaded and used a sword and shield to thwart an attack.  I’d literally drown in a pool of my own laughter tears.

At the end of the day ridiculousness aside, I would have to agree that a pokey object would be a lot better than a pillow or fists for home defense.  I’d still pick a gun over everything obviously.

This guy talks a lot of some self defense sword and shield techniques towards the end, like he’s a damn TIER -31 swordsman.


Gat tip: Grindstone50k