Private School Trains Student Warriors To Swarm An Active Shooter

Train like you fight:

0:06 – Oh lawd… we’re off to a good start *cringe*…. holding her wrist with her support hand.  I’m sure that’s better than nothing, but why not have her do it the correct way?

Maybe I’m a dramatic sensitive snowflake, but if I was little in grade school and someone would have told me “Hey Mikey, you know those violent movies your parents won’t let you watch but you see trailers and previews for all the time?  Yea, well that’s basically real life.  You should be prepared for a madman or even one of your little friends to come in here and MURDER YOU.”  I literally would have never went to school again.

1:57 – Holy shit this is going to be traumatizing… guy walking up with a blue rifle for simulation sake.

2:54 – Whoa this pastor actually told 5 year olds that they are actually “getting ready to die if they aren’t paying attention”.

9:10 – Yoooooo only Thomas Morton would rock the oldschool thick leather belt with the white gripped 6 shooter.

10:00 – Pastor talkin about doing Mozambiques “two to the body one to the head”.  Classic.

10:30 – This former police chief makes a good point.  Stats show that police only have less than 1/3 of the shots they fire hit the intended target in high stress situations.  Teachers could do as good or better?  What happens if they miss their intended target?

I don’t know.. again I don’t have any answers.  I suppose it’s better for kids to be prepared (if you can actually even handle real stress like that and make logical spit second decisions at that age) than be clueless… but man I bet that scares the shit out of a lot of them, despite the fact the delivery of the information from the principal is very calm.

If they are going to all this trouble, they should probably at some point use blank rounds or something similar to show the kids how loud a gun sounds when fired in an enclosed space.
