Former CIA Agent Talking About New Jack Ryan Show

This first video is a VICE segment:

0:11 – SUB 2 SECOND DRAW?!  But but the youtube operators have sub second.

6:23 – Respect regarding starting the DeliverFund company to fight human trafficking.

Here’s the Jack Ryan trailer if you haven’t already seen it:

I like John Krasinski a lot, and I’m sure he’ll do a good job.  The trailer itself doesn’t really excite me all that much because it basically looks to me like a Kirkland brand Homeland (HBO).  However, I’ll watch it and likely enjoy it.  Seems promising that since Jack Ryan is an analyst John will be going back and forth from Jim Halpert (The Office) mode to Jack Silva (13 Hours).

It comes out on Amazon Prime video on August 31st if you’re interest in watching it.
