The Knife Angel Of London

A response to their knife problem in London:

1:30 – “If they can’t buy them they’re going to make them no matter what anyway.” Yea no kidding.  Taking a flat piece of something hard, and rubbing against something that’s abrasive and harder doesn’t exactly take a genius, nor does it require any tools unless they want to get fancy.

2:48 – “BRO” is right 🤣.  Looks like something from Anime.

Thoughts?  Obviously a lot of parallels between this war on knives in the UK and gun control in the US.  Both seem incredibly futile  for the same reason.. because they focus on the knife/gun, not the root of the issue which is the human component.

This has all been going on for quite some time now.. I’m reminded of a post I did way back in 2009 about UK Knife Surrender bins.