Tag: brass deflector

  • Brass Deflector Protector

    For your safe queen AR-15.Β  Agggghhhhhh make it stop 😩: View this post on Instagram πŸ˜‚πŸ˜«πŸ€£ I'm in actual pain knowing that this exists, and that "quite a few people have asked for months" for them to be made. Unbelievable. πŸ€²πŸΊπŸ‘ & 🀲πŸ₯Ύβ€΅οΈπŸ πŸ“·@carolinalaserworks via @phgx1581 @libertygungaragellc A post shared by ENDO (@everydaynodaysoff) on May…

  • A Brass Deflector For Your AR-15 Which Already Has A Brass Deflector

    This is peak… peak a lot of words: Holy the comments on the Instagram post I made are absolutely out of control, I was dying laughing at a lot of them. I can’t stress enough that if you like this thing you should head immediately to The Spartan Shields website and pick a few up.Β …