Tag: deer

  • Why You Always Should Carry – Zombie Deer And Angry Dogs

    Definitely a good example of why you should always carry a firearm. Hat tip: Bryan

  • Hunter Alert System

    Sometimes you gotta improvise in order to stay safe: Source

  • ATF Doe

    Starts off really cute, but… Do not watch if you don’t like seeing a doe hand a dog a beating: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADGn1GABF0Q[/youtube] Word on the street is that that dog had converted an airsoft lower to a M16! :P Talk about being incredibly protective of that fawn. I think that can serve as a lesson to…

  • Oakland California Police Shoot Deer

    Officers made the decision that the deer was a public safety issue: [youtube width=”560″ height=”340″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEEYnriDfNQ[/youtube] Police reportedly received dozens of complaints from the public after the shooting. Internal affairs investigators will look at whether police followed department regulations and policies regarding taking an animal into protective custody and dealing with an animal that could be…

  • Deer Hunter or Sniper?

    This is an amazing shot: The end result was really not what I expected was going to happen.  At first I was expecting there to be an exclamation of “woOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Like shootin fish in a barrel!!!!”. Hat Tip: Say Uncle

  • Redneck Santa

    Looks like the team is missing a few. Oh well maybe next hunting season. Hat Tip: Theo Spark