Tag: escape

  • Shooting Handcuffs Apart

    Taofledermaus looks into it: 6:54 – A girl named Elizabeth at JC Penny hooked him up with the mannequin arms.Β  PLUG TALKπŸ”ŒπŸ”ŒπŸ”Œ. There is a lot of energy behind those slugs.Β  Typically in movies they shoot handcuffs off at close range with a handgun… typically when the person wearing them stretches them around a rock…

  • Inside Sinaloa Cartel Leader El Chapo’s Prison Escape Tunnel

    Pretty cool: 1:54 – What gun is that? It’s sure ugly. 4:39 – Oh ok.. well that guy (former prisoner in the same cell block) for one thinks it was an inside job, despite what everyone is reporting. Is this dude trying to get killed? haha 8:46 – Cool lift up bathtub escape tunnel entrance.…