Tag: fight

  • Mirror Gun Fight

    Click the picture (or here) to see the animated gif. I bet he will REFLECT back on that, and realize it was a bad idea *baZINGA*

  • Fat Kids Are A Threat To National Security

    National security is threatened by the sharp rise in obesity rates for young people over the last 15 years, the group Mission: Readiness contends. Weight problems are now the leading medical reason that recruits are rejected, the group says, and thus jeopardize the military’s ability to fill its ranks. The solution? To throw some money…

  • Oakland AC Transit Bus Incident

    I am posting about this because it is self defense related.  Oakland California February 15, 2010 – 67 year old Thomas Bruso did everything possible to avoid confrontation, but still ended up having to take care of business because a guy just wouldn’t leave him alone. The incident: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQJFv9SMSMQ[/youtube]

  • Police pull guns out over snowball fight

    December 19th, WASHINGTON D.C. – Things started to turn for the worse when the crowd — some carrying anti-war signs and dressed all in black with masks — began to pelt passing cars. A plain clothes D.C. police detective emerged from a Hummer — it’s unclear whether it was his personal vehicle or an unmarked…

  • Deer Hunter or Sniper?

    This is an amazing shot: The end result was really not what I expected was going to happen.  At first I was expecting there to be an exclamation of “woOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Like shootin fish in a barrel!!!!”. Hat Tip: Say Uncle

  • Too FAT to FIGHT

    From the ArmyTimes: According to the latest Pentagon figures, a full 35 percent, or more than one-third, of the roughly 31.2 million Americans aged 17 to 24 are unqualified for military service because of physical and medical issues. And, said Curt Gilroy, the Pentagon’s director of accessions, “the major component of this is obesity. We…