Tag: india

  • Inline Skate Defense Squad

    Indian BRUTHERS of the BLADE: Law Enforcement state-side should take notes.  Less MRAPs, more fruit boots on the ground.  You know I had to make a meme up: View this post on Instagram A post shared by ENDO (@everydaynodaysoff) Thoughts? 🛼🛼🛼% Sponsor the mf boys, Rollerblade.  Large companies always drop the ball when it comes…

  • Indian Army Recruitment Video Delivers

    Wow this is really well done.  Flex India flex: Hmmm India operates!  Who knew?  (Naturally, most of you guys probably did know) Great footage, fitting music… this has it all.  I don’t have much experience with Indian cinematography outside of watching ridiculous Bollywood stunting (good scene btw). 4:50 – Good to see they “knife hand” in…

  • Women In India Starting To Pack Heat

    I like the values these women have: Full Story – HERE Estimated 40 million guns in India… #2 in line after the US!  Right on. 3:35 – Lady with the side-by-side break action is ready to handle her business.  If she pulls the trigger(s) with it shouldered like a newb (3:53) though she could be…

  • India Wants Less People And Licensed Firearm Ownership

    In a recent article titled Gun culture spreads in India, the L.A. Times Reports: Despite tough controls on weapons, Indians own about 40 million guns, the second-highest number in the world. Of those, 85% are unregistered Saturday-night specials involved in 90% of firearm homicides. That said, there are only 3 guns for every 100 people in…

  • Bollywood Matrix – Robots And Guns

    Excuse the Russian overdubbing and enjoy: I gotta hand it to Bollywood… they have quite the sense of humor over in India. Is the main actor is this movie Athiradee Kaalam? Whoever it is, he looks a lot like the dude from the post Bollywood Music Video – Epic LOLz And Gun Play I did on…

  • India Trains And Arms School Girls To Fight Militants

    Paramilitary troops are training young girls in weaponry, in India’s northern Jammu and Kashmir state. Attacks by armed separatists in the region are frequent. Good to see some foreign girls holdin’ it down. Looks like that one girl (0:26) needs to pump some more iron before she will be able to work that charging handle…