Tag: israeli

  • Israeli Tier 0 Operator Defends His Derp

    From the Asymmetric Derp Warfare post… Operator Ben Goldstein stopped by with this lengthy rebuttal comment: I must admit, the individual who took my video off of my website, and then inserted his own information into it (headlines, description, some utter nonsense about “Tier Zero Operator” or whatever it was, is a talented hack. Why…

  • Israeli Combat Training – Asymmetric Derp Warfare

    You haven’t really trained until you’ve trained under operator Ben Goldstein: Elite operator combat training course instructed by a Tier Zero Israeli operator commando asset who has operated on multiple organic full spectrum dynamic systematical operational operations. With this training develop an aggressive operator warrior mindset that breeds a kinetic nonlinear response to exploit and…

  • Israeli Range Ballerinas

    You’re probably not operator enough to understand this: Operators operate with so much finesse over in Israel.  I wonder if like their nice clothing, that finesse with someday also reach our shores?  I see the vid is watermarked 2002, so god only knows how fancy they are now.  My guess is it would embarrass the shit out…