Tag: lateral

  • Cirque Du Spetsnaz

    Cirque Du Spetsnaz or “Systema” as they like to call it. Pistol Acrobatics: [youtube width=”320″ height=”265″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYskRZ2TvEM[/youtube] Rifle Acrobatics: [youtube width=”320″ height=”265″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4Mp_UvbfTY[/youtube] If you are seriously ever in a 360° battle zone, id suggest finding cover ASAP. Spinning around on the ground only works in movies. Muzzle Sweeping Las Vegas by storm in 2011! :P Hat…

  • Entertaining Pistol Training Exercises Video

    [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpUlhNlLTyQ[/youtube] You gotta love the transitions from standing to prone, and the awesome forward and lateral rolls.   This whole video reminds me of Ice Capades. The tags in the video suggest that its Russian Spetsnaz (Russian Special Forces) training.  Those guys definitely have some interesting methods, to say the least. One thing I found very…