Tag: RPG

  • RPG Rips Through 16in Of Ballistic Glass And More

    Like buttah on a hot summers day: Holy, I didn’t know RPG’s were that intense.  I figured with that many layers (45 layer / 16″) it would stop it no problem… apparently not. Cool slow motion seems to come standard with videos now.  I like the trend.

  • Bros Singing With Bros Ended By RPG Fire

    Whoa this is close: 0-100 real quick.  No more info on the video besides the guys taking fire are apparently “Iraqi Militia”. Whole squad needs clean drawers. Gat tip: Shawn

  • Slow Motion Weapons Footage From Ft. Bragg

    The LAV hung out with Green Berets at Ft. Bragg for a day: Awesome stuff.  The javelin is breathtaking.  It’s one of those things I’d like to shoot someday, but know I never will.  Well I’ve heard from a friend of a friends cousins brothers uncle that you could shoot them overseas, but that just…

  • Testing Police Response Time With A Fake RPG Launcher

    An Arizona filmmaker trying to prove a point about police response time was arrested this week after making an amateur film in which a character dressed as a “terrorist” paraded through the busy streets of Phoenix wielding a fake rocket propelled grenade launcher. Full Story – NY Daily News We already know that police response…

  • The Wire RPG

    A fun RPG parody of HBO’s The Wire: hahah at the Clay Davis “Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit”.  The whole video is loaded with other good references, so make sure to watch it if you’re a fan of the show. As I’ve said in the past, if you haven’t seen The Wire, do yourself a favor and head over to Amazon…

  • RPG Surprise

    I hope his hearing eventually recovered, but part of me doubts it: Anyone ever seen something similar, or had that happen to them? The picture is of blog reader (and recent 5.11 polo shirt & pants winner) Brent in Afghanistan.  I thought it was fitting for this post.