Tag: vice

  • VICE Goes To Texas To Talk Gun Laws With Women

    Estimated Female Gun Owners: USA – 12-17 MILLION CANADA – 275,000 Not really a surprising difference.  Even taking into account that the population in Canada (36 Million people) is 9 times smaller than the USA (326 Million people). 3:48 – Really handling that slide home. 4:02 – Oh damn they really out here Mozambique’ing attackers. …

  • Private School Trains Student Warriors To Swarm An Active Shooter

    Train like you fight: 0:06 – Oh lawd… we’re off to a good start *cringe*…. holding her wrist with her support hand.  I’m sure that’s better than nothing, but why not have her do it the correct way? Maybe I’m a dramatic sensitive snowflake, but if I was little in grade school and someone would…

  • Chinese Firearms Tourism In The Philippines

    VICE is on it, out in the Philippines: Hmmm ok even the preview at the beginning looks like this is going to be a wild ride. 1:41 – 5.11 hypebeasting at it’s finest haha I wonder what model of 5.11 underwear and socks he’s running.  Maybe we’ll find out later in the video. 2:03 –…

  • Families With Guns On The Front Line

    Vice took a look.  This is the trailer: 0:07 – LOL someone school me on what that is. A mortar bomb? 0:08 – Might have just answered my own question… is this what fires them? 0:12 – Oh HELL YA.  #ChildGoals.  If you’re kids aren’t brining you food, beverages and your AK on the reg,…

  • VICE Is Having A Skype Group Chat About Gun Control

    This Thursday January 15th at 7pm.  Open to the public apparently: I’ll probably watch it after the fact.  I just hope the pro-gun side is represented well.  I’m sure there will be more than enough of the “high capacity assault clips and anti-helicopter automatic weapons which the founding fathers couldn’t have anticipated, are massacring American people…

  • Dronez – A VICE Parody

    Fred Armisen and Bill Hader in this hilarious VICE mockumentary: The episode, from IFC’s upcoming series Documentary Now!, stars Jack Black as a Shane Smith-inspired character and Fred Armisen and Bill Hader as reporters on the hunt for a Mexican drug lord. LOL there are some really funny parts in this.  You should definitely watch…