Tag: victim

  • Buoy Bazooka

    Winner of the 2010 James Dyson Award: Longreach is a man-portable system that allows for the rapid conveyance of temporary, water-activated buoyancy devices to a drowning victim’s location. It is designed to allow a victim to remain buoyant while rescue personnel prepare the appropriate response to the situation. More info – HERE About the inventor…

  • How To Make It Out Of A Hostage Situation Alive

    This chart was in Newsweek magazine a few weeks ago: It’s kind of hard to read the list on the graphic, so I retyped it: Don’t be a hero: Accept the situation and prepare to wait. Do what you’re told – and remember: the first 45 minutes are the most dangerous. Don’t speak unless spoken…

  • Student vigilante group looking for trouble with their guns

    SEATTLE – A group of University Of Washington students are being called vigilantes after they armed themselves with handguns and tried to set up patrols on University Avenue and other areas around campus where students have been attacked over the past year. I hope this works out for them, but without any training at all,…