Gun Box Sentinel Keeps Your Rifle Locked Up But On Display

Oh it’s on:

1:16 – Wait so the “electronic bells and whistles” are a positive feature?

1:18 – LOL WHO LET THIS SLIDE? –> “Sentinel is a standalone hi-fi speaker system allowing you to stream music from your smartphone”

1:43 – “Sentinel can easily be secured to the floor”  Sure but that long thing coming out of it is basically a big lever.  I want to see someone drop kick it while it’s secured to the floor.

gun-box-sentinelYou guys all know that I roll my eyes hard whenever I see an indiegogo.  If you’re interested in getting in on this one there’s a 25% off savings, making the Gun Box Sentinel $524.

Gun Box sent me the handgun one back in late 2014 which I reviewed.  Unfortunately I can’t stream the new Drake album out of it.

Apps, streaming music, electronics, biometrics… Thoughts?