Tag: lapd

  • LAPD Allegedly Did Dan Bilzerian Dirty

    Haha robbers didn’t get into his safe… LAPD did though apparently: *smh* What a pain in the ass. Oh well at least he didn’t catch a case this time around. Full story – WashingtonTimes I know some of you player hate on Dan, every time I put up a related post. I say let that…

  • LAPD Officer Turns The Bitch Dial Up To 11

    All because the driver wouldn’t say where he was going: I’ll say this again…even though I think being a law enforcement officer of any kind has got to be the most frustrating job on earth, the point is you’re a public servant so if you can’t deal with the shitheads as cordially as you can…

  • LAPD Officer Shines Weapon Light At Protesters

    “Oh it’s dark over there, and I can’t see… why don’t I just aim my loaded shotgun with a flashlight mounted on it in that direction.” – Definitely the start of a good idea right there, i’ll have to remember that. Beanbag loads or buckshot, it really doesn’t make a difference.  At that range a…