Intense Handgun Disarms Video Will Rock Your World

Wing Chung FTMFW:

I have no idea what is going on with this guy’s accent, but it sounds to me like an Asian version of Brad Pitt’s accent in the movie Snatch.  Damn this guy is a hell of a character… If him and Pat McNamara ever taught a class together it should be filmed by Guy Ritchie and made into the next epic dark comedy.

0:39 – If you’re a scumbag you NEED to have an Adidas track suit.  It’s in the rulebook.

I still think being robbed is better than being shot by trying to finesse a disarm.  I also think though that it’s one of those things you might just have to play by ear taking the entire situation into account.  Having never been in a situation like presented in the video though, I’m not sure how easily “rational thinking” even is when you have a gun in your face.   You know what would be really cool?  Is if you made it out of one of these stressful situations unscathed, and disarmed the guy of a really sweet pistol.  Check if it’s stolen, then if not boom you’re good…. tables turned and you basically robbed him instead.  Oh the irony.

Wing-Chun2:32 – LOLOL oh man this is amazing… wait for it… wait for it…..

2:48 – “Did you fucking think this is a Hollywood bullshit?” hahah *dead*

3:24 – Is shooting the guy in the dick after taking control, sound advice?  haha I like the way it sounds, but on paper I can’t see that looking good and working to your advantage.

Thoughts?  Would train with?