DIY Laser Kid Styropyro And His Amazing Builds

This guy is a character:

1:13 – HE RAISES MOTHS?  I’m not a fan of moths.  I don’t get freaked out by them, but I just don’t like them.  My girlfriend, mom, and sister absolutely lose their minds if a moth gets in mix.  It’s entertaining.

Lasers are so damn cool.  If I had a workshop and more time, I’d definitely like to build some cool laser stuff like this guy.

6:17 – It’s illegal to sell these laser guns?  Something FDA related I guess :(  Sounds like a sweet untapped market if he could get into it.  Companies seem to be able to sell the lasers no problem, I don’t know why selling them assembled in a nice little package would be illegal.

8:12 – Yaassssssss sick Las-AR.  That beam is hella THICC.

The kid goes by Styropyro on YouTube if you’re looking to watch his vids.

Do you guys hate Motherboard too since it’s under the VICE umbrella?  Or just VICE itself?  Holy I’ve had to watch 3 ads so far in the video… that’s annoying.