SIG SAUER Spartan II Catches The Side Profile Of The Spartan

In a colossal move, SIG switched it up on the grips and did the Spartan side profile for the version II, and also makes the finish more BaTTLe WoRn.  INNOVATION / ITERATION:

This is what the Spartan I looked like:

*crowd of piehitters stands up and goes wild for the new grip battleworn change… then immediately find the need to sit down and catch their breath*

You know, I say something like “I can’t wait for this SpArTaN mOvEmEnT to be over!”, but we all know it’s going to be replaced with something equally as cringe.  At least it makes for good C O N T E N T though, amirite fellas?

Thoughts?  Do you think the amount of LABE that one could MOLON with the 2 would be > than with the 1? 🤔🤔🤔 I’m always asking the galaxy brain questions only, here on ENDO.

Gat tip: Saurocapozza