Tag: assault clip

  • Assault Clips And Bullets

    Yea this is how it goes: Source – Critical Mass There are two camps when it comes to this type of thing.  The first, where it’s not acceptable to call a magazine a “clip” or a cartridge a “bullet” (this is the camp I’m in), because those just aren’t their names.  Camp #2 argues that…

  • Glock 600 Round High Capacity Assault Magazine

    Mattv2099 with the 1000 yard stare, scowl, and a whole lot of lead downrange: This magazine obviously has no sporting purpose, and is only intended to kill hundreds of people.  Write your lawmakers and ask them to keep high capacity 600 round assault magazines out of the hands of the public.  If it only saves…

  • Assault Clip Humor

    Sebastian from Snowflakes In Hell held an Assault Clip contest, and here were a couple of the funniest entries: I used to HATE that stupid paper clip. I hope the Brady Campaign sees these posts.  They obviously won’t learn anything from them though… some people will always insist that “clips” and “magazines” are interchangeable terms. Don’t even…